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Warrior Elementalist Monk Ranger Mesmer Necromancer


The Monk can speak directly to the gods of Tyria to open a conduit for divine
magic that can heal and protect allies in battle or unleash holy power upon the
Monk's enemies. The Monk's connection to the gods is illustrated in the primary
Monk attribute, Divine Favor, which grants extra healing ability and makes Monk
skills more effective. Monks often choose to focus on one of the other attributes:
Healing Monks build up the Healing Prayers attribute to revive allies and mend
their wounds. Smiting Monks put points into Smiting Prayers, which inflict
damage on foes and work especially well against undead enemies. Protection
Monks pump up the Protection Prayers attribute and use magic that prevents
allies and themselves from taking damage in the first place. The Monk is the
definitive Guild Wars "support profession," and will probably never have to wait
for a group invitation. Combined with a secondary like Warrior or Ranger, Monks
can also be quite effective when it comes to hurting the enemy as well.

Monk Attributes

Divine Favor (Primary):
Every point spent in this primary Monk attribute grants a small healing bonus to all Monk
spells that target allies. Divine Favor also pumps up the duration and potency of spells that
call forth divine powers to aid the Monk's allies.

Healing Prayers:
Healing Prayers increases the duration and effectiveness of spells that allow the Monk to
heal and your allies.

Smiting Prayers:
Smiting Prayers boosts the duration and damage caused by skills that harm your foes-
especially the undead.

Protection Prayers:
Protection Prayers adds to the duration and power of Protection spells that keep you and
your allies safe.