Gods in Cantha


Dwayna is often depicted as young, tall, and slender, rising above the ground on huge feathered wings. Canthan artists often depict her floating above the vibrant, living souls of their eternal ancestors.


Balthazar is frequently shown holding a greatsword, its tip lodged in the ground, with a pair of battle hounds sitting at attention at his feet. In Cantha, the sword is usually one of the single-edged imperial style, and the battle hounds are usually replaced with winged drakes.


Statues of Grenth depict the god with the body of a man and the narrow, skeletal head of a beast. Canthan artists tend to add a draconic look to the skull. The Canthan version of Grenth stands astride a small mountain of the dead, but in Canthan art the faces of these corpses are always averted from the god of death, as if in shame, to distinguish these enslaved dead from the "living" ancestor spirits.


In Cantha, Lyssa is not only the goddess of beauty and illusion, but also represents the incarnation of luck, both good and bad. Many Canthan Assassins revere Lyssa more for her intrinsic duality than her famous beauty, and have been known to invoke her charms. Depictions of Lyssa in Canthan culture reflect the typical northern style: lithe twin figures of exquisite beauty entwined in an eternal dance.


Melandru is frequently depicted in Cantha as a tall, winged dryad from the waist up. Canthan artists usually describe a severe figure ensconced in an outcrop of Echovald quartz. Melandru's roadside temples offer shelter, food, and water to weary travelers even in Cantha, though such shrines are few, and separated by long stretches of lifeless stonescape.