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Another game created by Blizzard. It is a RTS game of similar style to the earlier Warcraft games, but set in a futuristic space setting. Unlike Warcraft or Diablo, Starcraft is set in a future version of our own universe, most of the action taking place in the early 2450s. As well as a single-player storyline, it also has a multiplayer option playable over
It consists of three playable races:
Terrans: the descendants of hackers, rebels and other undesirables exiled from Earth.
Zerg: a swarm of vaguely insectoid, completely biological beings bent on assimilating or eradicating every powerful species they come across.
Protoss: an empire of psionic, near-humanoid beings who maintain their corner of the galaxy with honor and advanced technology.
The original StarCraft was released in 1998. Its expansion pack, Brood War, was released later that year and introduced new units and expanded the storyline. Blizzard was developing StarCraft Ghost, but it was put on hold in March 2006 indefinitely to focus its efforts on next-gen console games. Blizzard does not answer questions relating to StarCraft II.

Best viewed at 1024*768 resolution